Antimicrobial treatment for pilot seating
MGR extends the range of MGRSafeWall™ products to include soft furnishings on pilot seating as well as crew rest areas and cabin attendant seating. The inclusion of sheepskin covers fitted to many flight deck seats has required the development of a new double immersion process, along with an optional dry cleaning capability to ensure covers are returned in excellent condition
With much consideration given to good cleaning practice in an attempt to rebuild passenger confidence, MGR believes equal consideration needs to be afforded to crew. Flight decks may seem a very sterile environment, but they are actually intensive working areas, as well as being a focal point during ground-time for gathering with pilots, cabin crew, dispatchers and Engineers all accessing what is a very enclosed area.
With airlines committed to regular deep clean procedures, the question must be asked how and how often are seat covers and associated soft furnishings in both crew and cabin areas subject to cleaning? Regretfully the answer is not often enough. While it varies from one airline to another passenger seat covers are often left 6 months in between replacement cleaning cycles. Flight deck and cabin attendant seating is often significantly longer.
The logistics of changing out seat covers are often complex, costly and labour intensive. By treating covers with the MGRSafeWall™ process, which uses proven Biomaster technology, an antimicrobial treatment and not a short-term disinfectant, the application will work 24/7 to help combat viral, bacterial, fungal and mould. MGRSafeWall™ has been successfully tested against SARS-CoV-2 the actual virus that causes Covid-19.
MGRSafeWall™ can be pre-treated to new covers prior to installation, or existing in-service product which need to be removed as an extension to the existing cleaning regime.